Music has been an integral part of my life’s journey. From being one half of the “Fine Feiner Singing Sisters” in summer sleep away camp, to recording my first CD “With Gratitude from My Heart to Yours” fifty years later, I am in flow when singing and playing my guitar or sitting at the harmonium.

Known for my intuitive approach to music and voice, I sing from my heart encouraging those around me to do the same. Curiosity about my inner landscape, my why, my purpose, my dreams, my challenges, and my gifts, inform my inner song.

I bring passion, drive and unwavering conviction to everything I do. I savor each day with grit and gratitude embracing the practice of moment to moment awareness.

Dedicated to the path of yoga for 17 years, I bring my heartfelt, soulful voice and the practice of Bhakti yoga to life on and off the mat.

My commitment to the inner landscape of my mind is supported by the healing power of vibrational repetition, embodying mindfulness, stress resilience and embracing a little piece of peace.

My Approach

Dream it

I had a dream and so InChanting, Personalized Chants for Healing: A Unique Approach to Self-care. came alive!

I wrote several chants that I sang over and over and over to myself. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat and little by little my thought patterns shifted, and new neural pathways were established.

Live it

Chanting is about vibrational energy coupled with the power of repetition. It works if you work it! Think about the things we tell ourselves repeatedly in our minds. Some of our thoughts are nourishing, filled with self-compassion and loving kindness. Others are tinged with anger, disappointment, frustration unworthiness, envy, and fear. Imagine being able to shift our minds from rumination to intention, from invasive thinking go intentional thinking. Chanting is a means to that end.

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is the first of the three spiritual chakras. In the area of the throat, it governs the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. To be open and aligned in the fifth chakra is to speak, listen, and express yourself with honesty and authenticity.

Authentic expression is not something that comes easily. There’s a delicate dance between saying what you mean and staying tactful or diplomatic. Listening is another aspect of the fifth chakra. The highest form of listening includes giving the other person your full attention. This requires a deep commitment to presence.